Sober Coaching
How We Help You Or Your Loved One Understand & Overcome Addiction & Alcoholism.
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A sober coach is someone who helps individuals through the low spots of early recovery.
Sober coaches do not live with individuals, but they do offer a multitude of services very similar to Sober Companions.
Our sober coaches are much more of a mentor to the client, helping to guide them in decisions & integrating them into the recovery community.
Sober Coaches check in with clients once a day. They also meet with the client five days a week face to face to provide better treatment. They encourage healthy living and set daily goals.
Sober coaches connect individuals with the recovery community in their area and find out which path is best suitable for them.
Our sober coaches offer 24/7 support through the phone as well. Our goal is to provide adequate support to ensure that you or your loved one has the proper tools to prevent relapse & understand how to sustain long-term recovery
What Our Sober Coaches Do?
Our Sober Coaches are all in recovery themselves who also all have multiple years of sobriety. Our Coaches are all trained to assess clients and to detect relapse patterns and behaviors. They will guide you to the right path of recovery based off your needs.
A Sober Coach is a mentor to help you along in your path of recovery. We are here 24/7 through the phone and we will also meet face to face five times a week. We will quickly get you acclimated within the recovery community in your area.
We aim to get you set up with sober resources in your area and will also set a service plan for you to follow. All goals set by our Coaches are achievable and all work towards a healthy, sober, future.
What Do We Offer As A Sober Coach?

- 24/7 phone calls and text messages with Sober Coaches
- Assess behavior daily

- Develop a recovery program catered to your needs
- Daily email sent to loved ones and sponsor for progress, and completed goals from your sober coach

- Five-day face to face meet up with Sober Coach to encourage the continued recovery process
- Documentation of progress
- Flexibility with scheduling and/or 7-day meet up
The Family Aspect
You may have heard it before, that addiction is a family disease. An addict is like a storm barreling through life, tearing apart their friends and loved ones in the process. Sometimes families have even torn completely apart almost beyond repair. Although addiction is a family disease, that does not mean the family cannot heal.
Families are extremely important when it comes to the recovery process. Our goal is to help mend these torn relationships with the help of our companions. All our companions have been there before. We get the pain you are feeling right now. Maybe your son or daughter seems completely hopeless or lost.
They might even have done some unspeakable things as well. As much as you, the parent, might not think that anyone else could possibly act the way they are acting, that simply is not true. These are all very common actions and behaviors in active addiction.
How Our Sober Coaches Help
Our coaches are all recovering addicts themselves. We believe the only true way to help an addict and an alcoholic is by receiving help from someone in recovery themselves. That is why all of our sober companions are fit to meet anyone where they are at in their recovery journey.
We will help the family reengage slowly while setting healthy boundaries as well. We get that there may be a lot of pain and damage done, but we also understand how crucial it is to have family support for the recovering addict.
Our coaches will supply any extra resources needed along with the 24/7 support for families. Healing the family from the inside is one of the main objectives of our services and we make it our goal to make this happen.